Monday, January 6, 2020

Analog Voltage Divider or voltage division or voltage ratio circuit using Op-amp

Operational amplifier is a powerful tool to perform different mathematical operations on analog signals. In this post we will discuss about circuit to implement voltage ratio or voltage division using operational amplifiers.

Let us design a circuit to implement the following expression

Vout = (V1-Vref)/ (V2-Vref)

We will use the property of "logarithm" to implement division. And voltage difference circuit to offset Vref.
We know that log(A) - log(B) = log(A/B).
In our problem,
A = V1 - Vref
B = V2 - Vref

First stage is a difference amplifier which subtract Vref from V1 and V2 respectively. This gives us voltage Va and Vb.
The second stage performs logarithm of input voltage to obtain Va' and Vb'.

The final output voltage will be Va'-Vb'.

By setting suitable value of gain factor (-kT/q) and resistance ratio in previous stages, we can get the required expression of voltage division at the out.

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