Relationship Between dBm and dBV with 50 Ohm Impedance
To derive the relationship between dBm and dBV with a 50-ohm impedance, let's start by understanding what these units represent:
dBm: Power in decibels relative to 1 milliwatt (mW).
dBV: Voltage in decibels relative to 1 volt (V).
Relationship Between Power and Voltage
For a resistive load (here, R = 50 Ω), the relationship between power and voltage is:
Rearranging to express V in terms of P:
Substituting Into dBV Equation
Substituting the expression for voltage into the formula for dBV:
Using the expression for PdBm, where:
Substitute P into the equation:
Splitting the logarithm:
For 50 Ohm Impedance
Substitute R = 50 Ω:
Thus, the relationship becomes:
Final Formula
The relationship between dBm and dBV for a 50-ohm impedance is: