Wednesday, July 3, 2019

BARC interview questions for instrumentation engineering

Hello budding instrumentation engineers.
I have been asked about types of questions asked in BARC interview by a lot of aspirants. In this page I will be making most accurate list of questions asked in BARC. This list has been prepared from my personal experience as well as stories shared by other applicants. Follow me.

(1) List down your favorite subjects.

(2) What is the working principle of Thermocouple?
(3) How do you measure the current in T/C?
If I give you a multimeter, where will you place the probe to measure developed voltage?
(4) Which flowmeter can work without power?
If you are posted in a jungle where there is no power and given a task to measure flow through a pipe, which flowmeter would you use? How does it work?
(5) Explain Sample and hold circuit.
(6) Solve RC, RL, RLC circuit. Draw the voltage vs time, current vs time plot for these circuits.
(7) What is transfer function?
(8) Derive the transfer function for RC, RL, RLC circuit.
(9) Define pressure and derive the formula?
(10) Opamps as instrumentation amplifier.
(11) P, PI, PID controller
(12) Why there is permanent offset in P controller? How can it be eliminated?
(13) Which controller is best for use in noisy environment? Why?
(14) How rotameter works? Why is it tapered?
(15) Can we use rotameter for any liquid?
(16) U-tube manometer working.
(17) What are the various process parameters in industry?
(18) How do you measure temperature?
(19) What do you understand by NTC?
(20) If I need to measure temperature of a moving body, how will I do that?
(21) What will happen we use single material instead of two materials in thermocouple?
(22) What are the different types of flowmeters?
(23) Explain the working of orifice meter? Why is orifice plate bevelled? Which side will be placed upstream?
(24) What is term ρ*g*h in Bernoulli equation
(25) Why 4 to 20 mA is used in industry but not 0 to 20 mA?
(26) Draw an orifice installed in a pipe. Why there is pressure drop from upstream to downstream?
(27) Draw the pressure profile and velocity profile across orifice meter. What is vena contracta?
(28) What is Bernoulli's equation. Explain.
(29) What is discharge coefficient? Typical values of Cd for all flowmeters.
(30) Why actual flow is different from ideal calculated flow?
(31) Compare between venturi and orifice meter?
(32) Can venturi be used when installed in opposite direction?
(33) How a differential pressure transmitter (DPT) is installed? Draw.
(34) Why do we use a 3-way manifold valve?
(35) What is cold junction compensation.

(36) Ideal characteristics of op-amp.

(37) What is CMRR? What is slew rate? Their mathematical derivation/ equation.Their units.
(38) 2-wire, 3-wire and 4-wire configuration of RTD. Comparison between them.
(39) What is the effect of vapour pressure in orifice meter flow measurement?
(40) What are the different types of T/C? Specify their measurement ranges.
(41) You have to measure the temperature of a chemically reactive substance. If its maximum temperature is 800, which T/C will you use?
(42) Why Thermowell is used?
(43) Draw the circuit of V/I and I/V converter using Op-amp.
(44) What do you understand by Pt-100?
(45) What is self heating error? How to minimize it?
(46) How far we can carry 4-20 mA? What limits the distance?

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