Friday, August 21, 2020

Read and Plot data from text files in LabVIEW

 Read and Plot data from text files in LabVIEW

Sometimes we may have data available in .txt file format and we need to read them. Shown below is a sample table of data for heart rates recorded from an ECG machine. The sample size is 950. We can plot the data on a graph using available features in LabVIEW by following the steps below:


1.      Save the text file in .lvm format.

2.      We will use “Read from Measurement File” express vi available under File IO function palette. Put the express vi on the block diagram.

3.      A new window will open.

4.      Select the text file containing data to be displayed. Also check the “Read generic text files” option under “File Format” header.

5.      Put the “Waveform graph” palette on the front panel.

6.      Wire the out of express vi to waveform graph.

7.      Run the vi. We will see data plot.

 This way we can read data saved in text file format. In the next tutorial we will se how to save the text file in TDMS format.

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