Monday, December 30, 2019

Must have tools for an Electronics and Instrumentation Engineer


(1) Digital Multimeter: A 3-1/2  DMM is sufficient for most of the electrical and electronic measurements.

(2) Wires: 0.5, 0.75, 1 wires spool are must. One can also use jumper wires.

(3) Screw-driver set

(4) Discrete electrical components (Inductors, Resistors, Capacitors)

(5) Power supplies (variable AC, DC)

(6) Wire cutter

(7) Wire stripper

(8) Insulation tapes

(7) ICs-

  • Operational amplifiers (LM741, OP07, LF356)
  • Timer IC (NE555)
  • Comparator (LM311)
  • Instrumentation amplifier (INA101, AD623)
  • Monoshot (74LS121/74LS123)
  • Digital IC -(AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOT)


(1) Proteus- For PCB designing

(2) LabVIEW - For data acquisition, processing, User interface design, machine vision,control-system design

(4) Matlab- For mathematical analysis,image processing,control system design

NB: Images copied from Google Images

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