For fast analog data acquisition on an Arduino UNO, you can utilize the analogRead() function, but to optimize it for speed, we can:
1. Use Direct Register Manipulation to bypass the overhead of the `analogRead()` function.
2. Disable ADC interrupts if you're not using them.
3. Set the ADC prescaler to a value that allows faster conversions.
Here’s a code example that shows how to configure the Arduino UNO to acquire analog data very fast:
Fast Analog Data Acquisition Code
const int analogPin = A0; // Analog input pin const int numSamples = 1000; // Number of samples to acquire // Variables to hold ADC results volatile uint16_t analogData[numSamples]; volatile unsigned long lastMicros = 0; volatile int sampleIndex = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize Serial for output // Configure the ADC for fast conversion ADMUX = (1 << MUX0); // Select A0 pin (MUX0 = 1) ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN); // Enable ADC ADCSRA &= ~(1 << ADIF); // Clear ADC interrupt flag ADCSRA |= (1 << ADATE); // Enable Auto Trigger ADCSRA |= (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1); // Set prescaler to 64 (fastest) ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); // Start the conversion ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE); // Enable ADC interrupt // Configure the ADC to be in free-running mode ADCSRA |= (1 << ADATE); // Enable auto-triggering mode (free running) ADCSRB = 0; // Free running mode sei(); // Enable global interrupts } void loop() { // We acquire data until numSamples is filled if (sampleIndex >= numSamples) { // Send the data to Serial when done for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { Serial.println(analogData[i]); } sampleIndex = 0; // Reset for the next acquisition } } // ADC Conversion Complete ISR ISR(ADC_vect) { if (sampleIndex < numSamples) { analogData[sampleIndex++] = ADC; // Store the ADC result } }
Key Optimizations:
1. Direct Register Manipulation:
- Instead of using `analogRead()`, this code reads directly from the ADC register (`ADC`).
- It sets the ADC prescaler to 64 for faster conversion, and uses `ADCSRA` for controlling ADC features.
2. Auto-trigger (Free Running Mode):
- The ADC is set to continuous conversion mode, so it automatically triggers a new conversion after each one. This eliminates the need for manual triggering.
3. Interrupts for Fast Acquisition:
- The `ADC_vect` interrupt is triggered every time an analog-to-digital conversion is complete, enabling fast acquisition without delay.
Prescaler Settings for ADC Clock:
The ADC clock in an Arduino UNO can be controlled using the prescaler, which divides the 16 MHz system clock to give the ADC a lower clock frequency. The prescaler is set in the `ADCSRA` register:
- Prescaler of 16 (default): 1 MHz
- Prescaler of 64: 250 kHz (faster, but higher noise)
- Prescaler of 128: 125 kHz (useful for higher precision but slower)
In the example, we used a prescaler of 64, which provides a balance between speed and accuracy.
Data Output:
- The `analogData` array will store all the ADC readings, and once the acquisition of the desired number of samples (`numSamples`) is complete, it sends the data over serial to the PC for analysis.
- The code is designed for fast analog data acquisition. You can adjust the `numSamples` for longer or shorter acquisition.
- The resolution of the analog readings will be 10 bits (0-1023) as provided by the standard ADC in Arduino UNO.
- If you need higher speeds, consider moving to a more advanced board, such as Arduino Due or Teensy, which support faster ADCs.